The 10 Tools | Self Assessment Tools | Resources
Why Mental Health Matters

Some people think that only people with mental illnesses have to pay attention to their mental health. But the truth is that your emotions, thoughts and attitudes affect your energy, productivity and overall health. Good mental health strengthens your ability to cope with everyday hassles and more serious crises and challenges. Good mental health is essential to creating the life you want!
There are tools that can buffer the effects of stress and help you cope better with the many challenges you face. The Live Your Life Well campaign provides ten specific, research-based tools that can combat stress and promote health and well-being.
10 Tools offer proven, healthy ways to deal with stress and boost your well-being. Of course, not all the tools are right for everyone, but odds are that at least a few will work for you. And even if some tools sound too silly, too simple or too hard, consider testing them anyway. Wouldn't it be a shame not to try?
These proven tools can help you feel stronger and more hopeful. Check out each page for specific, easy-to-follow tips.
Connect with others: People who feel connected are happier and healthier--and may even live longer.
Stay positive: People who regularly focus on the positive in their lives are less upset by painful memories.
Help others: People who consistently help others experience less depression, greater calm and fewer pains.
Get enough sleep: Not getting enough rest increases risks of weight gain, accidents, reduced memory and heart problems.
Eat well: Eating healthy food and regular meals can increase your energy, lower the risk of developing certain diseases and influence your mood.
Take care of your spirit: People who have strong spiritual lives may be healthier and live longer. Spirituality seems to cut the stress that can contribute to disease.