Alternatives to Suicide is a peer led support group that allows participants to talk about suicidal thoughts, feelings, or experiences without fear of being judged. Participants share their struggles and successes, provide support for one another, and strategize about alternatives to help each other best cope with difficult life circumstances. People are encouraged to come in both times of strength and challenge; you need not be in crisis to attend this group. Click here to read more about the Alternatives to Suicide Approach. This approach is born out of the work of Wildflower Alliance, a grassroots peer support, advocacy, and training organization with a focus on harm reduction and human rights.
MHA-WI is excited to provide virtual Alt. to Su. support groups! The group will meet on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month, from 7-8:30pm CT, online via Zoom. These groups are free to attend and welcome to any adults 18 years or older.
Join by Zoom Meeting ID: 860 2730 7132
Phone in Option: +1 312 626 6799
**Please note, this will be the same Zoom info for each meeting for the foreseeable future.
It is not necessary to RSVP before joining but you can fill out this interest form and select Alternatives to Suicide to be emailed the Zoom info directly. You can also reach out to with any questions.
Other Alternatives to Suicide Groups Available in Wisconsin
The following Alt2Su groups are offered in Wisconsin by external partners to MHA-WI:
Kaleidoscope Center Alt2Su Group (Menomonie)
2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month from 6:30-8pm
In-person at the Kaleidoscope Center (800 Wilson Ave Suite 041 Menomonie, WI 54751)
Feel free to just show up to a meeting. You can call 715.505.5641 or email for more info.

Additional resources for those who identify with thoughts/feelings of suicide can be found at the Prevent Suicide Wisconsin web page here.
Those who have lost a loved one to suicide may be interested in the Survivors Helping Survivors groups, which are also offered free and online.