Mental health programs and services in Wisconsin

Mental Health & Wellness Resource Directory

This directory includes resources in the Greater Milwaukee Area. To find resources in other areas of the state, visit our Statewide Resources section.

For additional family, health and social service resources, dial 2-1-1 or visit

Select from the search options below to widen or narrow the search results. To select multiple options, Ctrl + click. To view all resources listed, click here.

  1. Category:
  2. Primary Clients Served:
  3. Type of Payment Accepted:
  4. Search within: miles (zip code)



Every effort has been made to make this directory accurate. Although information has been checked and researched, it is possible that some information is missing or incorrect. Please report any errors to Mental Health America (MHA) at (414) 276-3122 or email MHA has not knowingly accepted, nor is it responsible for any inaccurate information.

MHA assumes no liability for damages arising from errors, omissions or services listed in this directory. MHA does not recommend or endorse any provider or agency listed. The directory is to be used solely for informational purposes.

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