It's easy to know when your child has a fever. A child's mental health problem may be harder to identify, but you can learn to recognize the symptoms. Pay attention to excessive anger, fear, sadness or anxiety. Sudden changes in your child's behavior can tip you off to a problem. So can behaviors like exercising too much, or hurting or destroying things.
Mental health problems can disrupt daily life at home, at school or in the community. Without help, mental health problems can lead to school failure, alcohol or other drug abuse, family discord, violence or even suicide. However, help is available. Talk to your health care provider if you have concerns about your child's behavior.
Fact Sheets
Anxiety Disorders in Children
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Children
Bipolar Disorder and Children
Bullying and LGBT Youth
Bullying: Tips for Children & Adolescents
Bullying: Tips for Parents
Child and Adolescent Suicide
Child Depression Checklist
Children's Mental Health
Conduct Disorder
Co-occurring Disorders and Youth
Depression in Teens
Eating Disorders
Psychosis in Children & Youth
Recognizing Mental Health Problems in Children
Talking to Kids About Mental Health
Talking to Kids About Fear & Violence
Talking to Kids about School Safety
What Every Child Needs for Good Mental Health