Strong Families Healthy Homes (SFHH) consists of programs and services committed to nurturing and supporting the recovery, strengths and resilience of families when the parent(s) and/or caregiver(s) live with mental illness. These programs are strength-based, family-driven and follow a recovery model of service and a belief that healthy family bonds create natural supports for sustaining wellness.
Contact Us
For program eligibility, availability, program fees, to make a referral or to self-refer, please contact our office at 414-276-3122 or
Parenting Support During the Coronavirus: Free ongoing webinar series
Our Family Wizard: A comprehensive app to solve shared parenting challenges. A tool to keep children at the center of co-parenting.
Vroom: Age appropriate activity ideas and parenting tips for everyday situations to help parents understand and improve healthy brain development for their child at every stage.
24 Hour Parent Helpline- The Parenting Network (414) 671-0566
Strong Families Healthy Homes Wish List
View a video about the SFHH program made by United Way >>
Internship Opportunities

Family Friendly Guide to Services for Milwaukee County Special Needs Children and Youth and their Families
This resource from Disability Rights Wisconsin (DRW) is designed to increase awareness and access to services for Milwaukee African American children with a disability and their families. The Guide includes information about how to apply for various community programs for Milwaukee children and youth with a disability or special needs. Download PDF >>